Friday, March 27, 2015

GRASSROOTS CALIFORNIA - Cannabis Culture - 710 Lifestyle

Dabs Magazine's very own Adam Ill interviews
Grassroots California™  which started as a vision of Ryan’s aka Ruga to change the way the world looked at marijuana. Ruga worked in real estate finance for 3 years after graduating from the University of Colorado. While working in real estate he noticed many people in his company profiting from the new legalization of marijuana by leasing buildings for dispensaries, selling warehouses for commercial grow ops but having nothing to do with marijuana its self. Ruga who became a patient after suffering from a surfing injury that fractured his skull in three places started using medical marijuana to help with the pain. After becoming legal and seeing all the benefits of medical marijuana it was Ruga’s vision to spread the word by making a documentary film of what is going on in the California marijuana movement. Ruga worked on a business plan on the weekends while working in Real Estate to plan his escape. Than he landed the opportunity he needed to be able to make his vision come true, he sold an $11 million dollar FedEx building. With his commission check and business plan in hand he said goodbye to the real estate business and hello to his dreams.

Grassroots California™ is a progressive clothing line that makes quality merchandise at affordable prices and donates a percentage of its proceeds on every purchase. It is our vision to create a company that gives back to the communities we live in around the globe.Grassroots California™ believes in working with the community. If you are a band, organization, artist or know someone that might be interested in working with Grassroots California please email them here.

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